Teacher Profile: Mrs Tetrick

Luca Principali, Reporter

A school is a place where people go to learn. In a school, one or more teachers help students with learning. Today, students go to school for many years, so that they can learn some of what they need later in life, such as reading, writing, and basic math. One teacher that stands out in her passion for passing knowledge is Amber Tetrick.

I interviewed Mrs. Tetrick to understand why teaching and who or what took her on the hard job of teaching getting students prepared for the world. All people have an event or motivation that drives them towards there career. Ms. Tetrick was motivated to teach while in Sun Valley she said “I was living in Sun Valley and my husband and I were planning on moving to Boise.  He was going to finish his university credits, and I thought, well… I can go back to school too and get a master’s degree because I had always wanted to be a teacher. I had some great and highly influential teachers in high school. I admired them and wanted to impact students as they had impacted me.”

While most do have a career, they don’t enjoy Amber told me that “I LOVE teaching.  My favorite part is the students. It is so fun to learn and work with awesome people every day.  It is honestly thrilling.” Amber also expressed what impacted her the most was The students. “I think I learn more from them than they do from me.  Students are interesting, funny, smart, and fun to be around. They are the best part of the day.”

Amber talks about teaching as a career she loves and the experiences that it brings her. “Hmmmm…. when I taught 9th grade, I loved teaching Romeo and Juliet.  It was funny and fun for all of us in the classroom. At Boise High, I enjoy lots of what I do. Teaching AVID stands out as a highlight to me. I get to know those students well, and we work hard on a tutorial and the Summit.” She said.

During her career, she has taught at Boise State, Hillside Jr. High and BHS. She is in her second year at Boise High she told me “I don’t know what to go anywhere else.  Love being a Brave!” Also, it is the students who motivate her the most as she said: “students – they are the heart of what I do.” Amber also pointed out that while teaching students she also has learned from students “patience is probably the skill I get reminded of the most.  Kindness is also vital in my job. Being myself with my students is what I strive for. I ask them to be authentic, so I am authentic.” Amber told me.

Amber is a teacher who enjoys her career and enjoys passing on the knowledge she has to the future generation.