The Case for Attending More Sports Events


Student section at a Boise High football game, cheering for their team.

Joe Chigbrow, Reporter

Sports are arguably one of the most influential activities at Boise High School, in terms of our schedules and spirit. In fact, here at our school, sports only comes second to our focus on academic success.

We also boast one of the most diverse selection of sports in the district. Ranging from volleyball, all the way to a dance team. However, despite the wide selection, and spiritual influence of sports, we still end up going to watch the same types of sports exclusively.

Indeed, basketball and football are some of the most exciting games to watch. But how many of us have considered watching the dance or swim teams?

Molly Elliott, who has been swimming since she was five, says that:“Swimming is a really unique sport because it takes a lot of training to improve”. Not unlike football really, in fact the swim teams works just as hard. She also explains, “High school swimming [trainings] are an hour, five days a week” and “year round swimming is everyday of the week for two hours”.

Abi Stucky, a swimmer who has been swimming since she was only six, also sheds light on the format of their practices saying that there is both training routines in the water and on dryland.  All of this work our team puts in to improve just by “a hundredth of a second” at a time shows that swim team can work just as hard as other sports.

But is swimming a good spectator sport?

Both Molly Elliott and Abby Stucky agree that swim is definitely fun to watch and experience.

“There are bleachers for people to come and watch and it gets really exciting around districts” as Molly Elliott puts it. Attending a swim meet should be on everyone’s bucket list it seems.

But swimming isn’t the only sport that has to get the short end of the stick. When is the last time you went to a hockey game, or watched a dance competition?

Every sport we have deserves our support, and our the symphony of our cheers.