A Culture of Hate
December 11, 2018
One of the most referenced times of American polarization occurs under the presidency of Abraham Lincoln. During that time, Lincoln stated that “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” At this time in American history, as amendments such as the first, second, and thirteenth are under fire, the nuances of Lincoln’s pattern of thinking seek the adoption of our people.
People’s words hold varying levels of meaning when said, deepness when perceived, and range when heard. Without proper adaptation as a society to how people’s voices spread potentially dangerous information, the polarization of our people will only deepen.
Inspired by the fatal Antisemetic hate crime resulting in the deaths of 11 Jewish-American citizens, the event cannot even be referred to as the latest mass shooting, nor the most deadly, nor the most recent Nationally published hate crime.
While issues can be found in those facts alone, reflecting on contemporary issues leading up to the incident provide the basis for a confound mind.
Hypothetically, if someone from a town 80 miles northeast of Boise were to spew some conspiracy theories or Islamophobia or something, it does little to damage the opposition. Because the voice of some nobody in Idaho doesn’t hold the same power as the words themselves, it’s written off as having no need to correct. Even if it’s agreed upon as being distasteful, it’s disregarded as a problem due to the flicker of power behind the words.
However, if the president were to say something that implies truth behind nothing but a conspiracy theory, or influences the disdain of an entire people, or purposefully turns an apath eye to those requesting aid, the voice would reach a bigger audience of vast proportions, and all the random person from Idaho would be doing is agreeing with his president.
Our people have reached a new low I feel. The contemporary issues referred to include the deliverance of explosives to the homes of a few renowned figures of the Democratic party.
The one meant to harm billionaire and renowned Jewish figure George Soros is laced with questions regarding its purpose.
Soros’s name was among those thrown around about who could be endorsing the infamous Caravan moving towards the border of America. After being asked if he thought Soros could be the source of the funds, President Donald Trump quoted that he wouldn’t be surprised. Within a matter of days of these statements, the synagogue was attacked in an act of antisemitism.
Though it’s been nearly two months since the deadly Synagogue massacre, fact can’t help but consider the influencing words of our president had on the events of that day.
When Lincoln said, “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power,” I feel he implies that character of man is reflected in how he uses his power.
When Lincoln said, “We the People are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts -not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution,” I wonder if he’d feel the ignorance needed to disregard the protection of concert goers, school children, those who’ve survived one mass shooting only to find themselves amidst another a year later would fall under this perversion.
When Lincoln said, “To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men,” I wonder if in today’s time, he’d be ridiculed like those standing against hate crimes and speech, against the poor character of our leaders, and against the men abusing the power granted to them by our Constitution.