Strategic Disposition and The Characters of Tragedy

A look Into Opinions Surrounding Human Immigration

Parker Winn

More stories from Parker Winn

Propaganda’s Danger
December 16, 2019
A poster seen in a pro-immigration and refugee rights rally at Broadmeadows, Melbourne. A positive message, in line with what a human response should look like.

Photo Credit: ‘The Prindle Post’ via Flickr

A poster seen in a pro-immigration and refugee rights rally at Broadmeadows, Melbourne. A positive message, in line with what a human response should look like.

As long as America remains at the forefront of international economic and social competition, there will be conflict. It’s unrealistic to think otherwise. No country can truly achieve a utopian society: free of strife, injustice and conflicting values. The nature of government is incompleteness. While perhaps an outwardly or overly nihilistic approach, that claim has validity.

Tip-toeing into the treacherous chasm that is the subject of our nation’s political climate, it is my belief that something needs to change. I’m fairly certain that my opinion doesn’t mean much to whoever is reading this, but it’s necessary foreshadowing and serves as a good blanket statement.

America, with its virtually endless resources, still struggles with making and agreeing upon “the right decision.” In a world where it’s tragically common for citizens of the world to beg not only their native country but neighboring ones for the rights they deserve, why is it also so common for the nations of the world to turn their backs on these citizens? And why is that question in particular so often given flippant answers?

Rather than using resources to help those who are unable to help themselves, nations like the United States instead choose to avoid the problem. We choose to limit those citizens from helping themselves, barring them from sanctuary and economic prosperity that they cannot achieve in the place they originally called home.

Why is it that America ignores its problems? Facing them passively, and selfishly, it thinks only about itself. And why does America not see the good in these situations? Why can’t the spotlight be put on all the good people crossing the border, the ones who help the economy and act orderly and neighborly? Why is it that the media focuses on the criminals?

These questions don’t have obvious answers, and they don’t end with only one answer; they’re the subject of opinion, and that’s really what the issue boils down to. This ongoing argument doesn’t have a single answer. The refusal to help those in need is sad, its inhuman. But it’s still an opinionated topic, and again, it doesn’t have a real answer. Just opinionated ones.

America seems to be all about opinions, all about working together and prospering, but when the government chooses to prioritize its own agenda, is that not only counterintuitive, but somewhat unfair? While some people agree with our government’s plans, others find them unfair and illogical. This ties in with how opinions around immigration are split. Of course, the two are directly related, but beyond that relationship, they mirror each other, each of them helping to divide the population’s opinion further.

Whatever opinion you harbor, know that you’re in some way responsible for its outcome. Not excluding myself, or anyone who agrees with me, everyone is in some minuscule part responsible for the actions of America. In my opinion, resources should be diverted to actively resolving issues, not creating very literal ‘emergencies’, but others may disagree. And that’s the reality of the subject.