Not Your Mother’s Love Life
Photo Credit: Havana
This is a day and age where people meet in a number of different ways, one of the most popular being online.
September 21, 2020
With social distancing in full swing and going out at an all time low, it’s a difficult time to fall in love. Going on dates is an exciting part of growing up. Now that the Coronavirus has hit, people are left without the option to go out and meet new people in a normal way.
Online dating is something that a lot of people have been very wary about. While there are definitely risks to dating online, with the proper precautions it can be a very positive experience. Using just your first name and meeting the person through a video call while asking specific questions to validate their identity are a few precautions you could use. You don’t have to give up on dating just because the world is in a different state than we’re used to. As we adjust to our new normal, we find new ways to interact with people.
Facetime or Zoom dates are a thing that long distance couples have been doing for many years. Deciding on a meal that both of you can cook and eat together while talking is just one of the ways that you can make dating feel a little more normal. There’s no right way to date right now.
Safety should always be the most important thing, so if you are planning on going on virtual dates, make sure you know who you’re going to meet and what your plans are. Text the person who you plan on meeting for a few days prior and when video calling make sure you’re comfortable with the other person. If you are planning on talking with someone who you haven’t met before, make sure you’re aware of their age and name, and that they’re aware of yours. While it might seem like the only way to date is to download Tinder and lie about being 18, it’s going to cause problems if you’re not honest.
We are living in uncertain times, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t still live our lives and meet new people.