BHS Teachers During Online School
Photo Credit: Collage by me, Selfies by teachers
BHS Teachers go above and beyond for their students
October 22, 2020
It’s been a hard start to this school year for all of us. The abundance of uncertainty doesn’t make it any easier. This is why Boise High is so lucky to have teachers and staff that are striving to make this online learning worth while.
All of our teachers at Boise High have worked extremely hard to make sure students get the best possible online experience. Many teachers give in-class work time because they know how hard it is to be staring at a screen for 7 hours a day and to have homework as well. It has always been clear that the teachers and staff at Boise High care deeply for their students. Alana Cronin, a Senior at Boise High, spoke about how her teachers have helped her during this school year. When asked if she considers her teachers a part of her support system she said, “I would absolutely consider my teachers a part of my support system. I think one of the better things to come out of this pandemic was realizing how much my teachers care about me and that I’m really lucky to have supportive and helpful teachers.” Not only are teachers there to teach us academically, but they’re also there for us as role models and listeners.
Through the grapevine there’s been some talk about the struggle of learning online. When asked about this subject Cronin replied, “I have to mention Mrs. Shoup because she has really made the best out of the worst possible situation aka trying to teach Stats online. She always offers homework help and even extra hangout hours and I know I can reach out anytime to get her help. Plus she puts so much effort in and it’s very obvious that she genuinely cares about us learning the material. She is not the only teacher but she deserves a special mention.” Learning online is difficult and I commend all the students who are trudging through this time of hardship. Although this learning experience is new and intimidating, we’re so lucky to have teachers who will stick their necks out for us.
As a student I often wonder how my teachers are doing and what this online experience has been like for them. I spoke with Mrs. Daley, an English and AVID teacher at Boise High. When asked about what challenges she’s come across she said, “I’ve found the pacing to be challenging; I want to keep my students engaged and learning but not overwhelm you all with too much work at too quick a pace.” As a student, knowing that my teachers take this into account means a lot. Time management is even more challenging because all of the days seem to blend together. Earlier into the school year Mrs. Daley commented about how hard her co-workers are working. When asked to expand on this she said, “I see my co-workers, your teachers, working very late hours, working on weekends, trying to absorb the emotional intensity of not having a lot of predictability and trying to keep it cool in front of our students…Teachers will work until we are neglecting our own families, neglecting our own health and sanity. I am so proud of my colleagues. We are not perfect, and I know that we are all working on meaningful improvements, but I can’t think of another profession that takes up the call to service in the same way that teachers across the country have.” It’s more clear than ever that our teachers are strong and do all that they can for us. Sometimes kids forget that their teachers are real people that have lives’ outside of school. I’ve been at fault for that too. It’s so encouraging to know that we’re all in this together.
I asked teachers if they would consider themselves a modern day superhero because of all that they do for us. Mrs. Rush, Boise High’s one and only Librarian, answered this question and said, “If any of you think your teacher is equivalent to a superhero, do me a favor and let them know? Those small moments where a student reaches out and says “thank you,” or something similar truly mean the world to any educator. A simple email can lift the spirits enough to keep going and keep working another day. We may not be superheroes, but we are Boise Brave so I know we’ll survive.” Our teachers and Staff are humble to say the least.
Teachers, you are our real life superheroes. You may not be able to fly or wear a flashy costume, but the work you do for us is insanely impactful. As students we’re always checked up on by our teachers and they are there to listen. So teachers please know that we’re listening too and we’re so grateful for what you do. And if you haven’t heard this already, thank you.