Try Something New: Tryouts
Boise High boy’s lacrosse team preparing for a game against Middleton among other schools. (credit: Boise High boy’s lacrosse team’s instagram, @boisehighboyslax)
February 25, 2022
As the end of February approaches, it’s almost time for Boise High’s spring sports season to begin! Many of Boise High’s spring sports have already started pre-season workouts. Tennis, Track and Field, and Baseball are just a few of the many spring sports that Boise High offers. As life slowly returns to normal, fans may be allowed to come and enjoy sporting events.
Participating in high school athletics can be rewarding in many ways. It’s a way to find friends and a community, and for many people that’s the highlight of it. It can also be helpful for dealing with stress, and as high school students it’s crucial to maintain not only physical health, but mental health as well. High school can be difficult and stressful, especially second semester. Participating in a sport can be an opportunity to take time away from classes and the pressures of high school and to put focus elsewhere for a few hours. There are many opportunities to try out for a new sport this year, even for total beginners.
Coach Aaron Olswanger has some advice for those wanting to try track for the first time (or any other sport), “Don’t be intimidated! Come out and try it out, the odds are that you will get hooked and really enjoy [what] we have going on. Track and Field is such an amazing sport for so many people. It will also make you a better athlete for your other sports.” Mr. Olswanger also mentioned that there’s much more to track than just running, there’s something for everyone.
Boise High’s Lacrosse program is encouraging new players to join with pre-season practices happening on Tuesdays and Thursdays through February 17th, before tryouts, which will take place starting on February 22nd. Be sure to have all the required paperwork completed before trying out. Softball tryouts will also be taking place on Friday February 25th, and Saturday February 26th at the Mountain Cove softball field. The Boise High tennis team tryouts are also being held on February 25th. The first practice for Boise High Track and field is also taking place on the 25th, and will start at 3:30. For more information and updates, check out the instagram pages and websites for Boise High’s sports.
Sports are a staple of the high school experience, whether it’s playing the sport or simply supporting the athletes, most people have a positive memory relating to high school sports, don’t be scared to try something new! If playing the sport itself doesn’t seem too appealing, consider taking a few friends and cheer on the Boise Brave at a few of the sporting events this spring season!