Culture Within Clubs

One of the Eastern Culture Club’s posters that can be found around the school. (Andie Nickels)
December 16, 2022
Although all students at Boise High are the Brave, that doesn’t mean that we’re all the same. Celebrating diversity is important, and luckily, there are many clubs at our school where diversity and acceptance is the main focus. Along with the IncludeAbility Club, the Hispanic/Latinx Culture Club, and the AAPI Club, Boise High offers many groups for students to find friends with common experiences.
Luke Lincoln, co-president of Boise High’s SAGA (Sexuality And Gender Alliance) Club alongside Atlas Jones, was happy to explain more about the club. “This club is a very important space for queer and ally students looking for a safe group to share experiences with others…It is a great space for leadership and providing for those who may not get much exposure to LGBTQ+ relations. Education in that subject is very important.” Luke stated. So far, the club has watched short queer films and documentaries, done fun drawing activities, and held open discussions about experiences regarding sexuality and gender. “As a queer person myself, I’ve found I take a lot of comfort in pride groups. I grew up in a small town that didn’t have as much diversity as Boise, so I was super excited to join the group…Leading this group with my Co-President Atlas Jones has been such a great experience because we get to inspire and build connections with people who can relate to us.” SAGA Club meets every Wednesday during lunch in Room 331, so if you are an LGBTQ+ student, or just an ally, consider stopping by to meet Luke, Atlas, and some other really cool people!
Limar Alaswad, the leader of the Eastern Culture Club, mentioned that she really enjoys the experience of leading such a diverse club. “It’s been a fun educational experience. I’ve been able to learn and teach about different cultures and it’s been an eye opener to say the least.” With less than twenty members, the club is fairly small, but teaches a lot about culture and spreads awareness to the Eastern hemisphere as a whole. “Our club deals with diverse cultures presented by people of that culture, so students are able to get a better understanding of that culture on a deeper level. If students are interested in different cultural holidays, traditions, and practices then they should consider joining.” Limar explained. Boise High’s Eastern Culture Club meets every Wednesday in Room 226 during lunch, so consider stopping by to make friends or learn about a new culture!
Regardless of your culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other part of you that makes you who you are as a person, you’re the Brave and a pivotal part of Boise High. Join a club to meet people who share your experiences, or join a club that completely is the opposite to learn more about your fellow students.