Do you prefer hot or cold showers the best? Most people would probably say hot. It’s more comfortable. But what is best for you? If you ask someone, they will most likely say that cold showers are better without knowing exactly what they do. The benefits of cold showers are that they keep your hair shinier and your skin hydrated. Cold closes pores and helps the scalp’s natural oils retain in your skin. If you have dry skin or hair, you could try taking the last few minutes of the shower in cold water, around 50 to 60 degrees. When you feel cold water your body produces noradrenaline and beta-endorphins, which send signals from the nerve system to your brain. This might have a positive effect on anti-depression, but is not a total solution if you have depression. Cold water is also good for your heart because the body goes into survival mode and then your heart rate increases. This can also lead to smoother skin and you could lose a little fat by doing it. Cold showers close the pores and hot showers open them This can flush out toxins that are in them and make your skin more hydrated. If you shower with hot water a couple of hours before you go to bed it can help you sleep better because the muscles relax more. This opens airways, clears out your nasal passages, and loosens up phlegm. So if you are sick, hot showers are better than cold. There are benefits with both hot and cold showers. You should start your shower with hot water, but not too hot. Wash your hair and your body and then when you are close to the end turn it on to be a little cooler. Finally, rinse your conditioner out if you use that.
Hot or Not?
Vilde Tenold, Reporter
April 23, 2024
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About the Contributor

Vilde Tenold, Reporter
Vilde is an exchange student from Norway and she is a reporter this year. Vilde plays lacrosse, and she likes to ski and be with her friends. This is first first year in the newspaper and she is exited for what this year will bring.