Anything from disco, funk, pop, mainstream, country, rock, metal, rap, trap, classical, jazz, punk, to even emo. That’s what’s playing at some of the many, many all-ages venues in Boise.
The music scene for teens especially in Boise has grown so much that we went from maybe two venues that occasionally had all-ages shows, to now over 30. Around 17 of them regularly have all-ages shows and encourage teens to go to them.
We have some new venues and old venues that have gotten updates. We can attribute most of this growth to two exceptional people who have worked tirelessly to create a safe and creative space for local and big artists alike. Their names are Erick Gilbert and Megan Stoll. They started a company called Duck Club. Duck Club bought many venues and even created one of their own, called Treefort Music Hall.
They originally started with the creation of the Treefort Music Festival, and ended up turning it into something way bigger. “I’ll say that all-ages shows are very important to us, and we have been seeing a lot of teens come to a large variety of shows at Shrine Social Club since we opened it up to the public last fall, and the amount of shows have significantly increased since Treefort last year,” explained Eric Gilbert.
The current venues that host all-ages events are Treefort Music Hall (TFMH), the Shrine Ballroom, the Shrine Basement, the Shredder, the Knitting Factory, the Egyptian Theater, the Botanical Gardens, the Morrison Center, the Sapphire Room, the Gene Harris bandshell, the JUMP building, and the Green Acres food truck park. Not all of these are always all-ages or year-round, but a good majority are.
There are dozens of shows a month. You could probably go to a different show every night and never see the same artist twice in a row. There is so much talent in the Boise area and most of the artists are local, although there are also some bands and artists from other states and occasionally other countries. It is safe to say we have a wide variety of bands and artists that you could go see here in Boise.