When it comes to weird families, the Bowen and Theobald family take the trophy. They are great friends but have some funny rivalry going on, they compete on who can be the weirdest. But before we settle the competition let’s see what gives them this title in the first place.
First up, we have the Bowens. Elena’s family thinks that every meal should be a joke. Last Thanksgiving, instead of turkey, they decided to cook a giant blow up turkey. They put a fake turkey in the oven, decorated it with googly eyes, and called it “Roni.” Her mom had to give a heartfelt speech about how important family is while everyone else was just trying not to die out laughing at the “turkey” that was deflating.
Now, let’s meet the Theobalds, Elise’s family really take their weirdness to the next level. They have a pet goldfish named Mr. Bubbles. who they think is the funniest fish ever. Once a month, they get together and have a “Fish Comedy Night,” where they sit around the fishbowl to hear the weirdest “jokes” from Mr Bubbles. But the fish doesn’t actually tell jokes, her brother Isaiah dresses up in fish makeup and tells the worst jokes while the fish just swims in circles, probably thinking that they’re all crazy.
Just recently, both families decided to see who was the weirdest. They competed for the “Weirdest Family.” Elena’s family had a “Dress Like Your Favorite Food” day, where everyone showed up as a different food. Elena’s dad was a taco, and her mom dressed up as a bowl of spaghetti outfit. Then, Elise’s family came up with “Crazy Pajama Day,” where everyone wore pajamas that were very mismatched. Elise’s Grandma showed up in polka dots and stripes, looking like a crazy rainbow.
The final say in who won was from both Elise and Elena’s closet friends. All of them know how weird each family is. So they really had to put their heads together to decide. Who do you think the winner was? No one could decide, so they ended up just saying it was a tie!
Whether it’s cooking fake turkeys or swimming fish, the Bowen and Theobald families prove that weirdness and humor can collectively work together. Who needs normal when you can have this much fun?