New and Improved: How the New Building is Coming Along
I’m sure most students are tired of the hallways being backed up, the shared space and a little extra noise but now that we are coming to a close of constant change we can all be thankful for the extra space, and how far the building has come.
Photo Credit: Torey Tapp
New Gym Under Construction
March 8, 2019
Boise High is finishing up the last touches to its remodel and our community, students and administrators couldn’t be happier. As we put the finishing touches on our construction, classrooms are starting to come together.
I’m sure most students are tired of the hallways being backed up, the shared space and a little extra noise but now that we are coming to a close of constant change we can all be thankful for the extra space, and how far the building has come.
To give this long transition the recognition it deserves, there will be a dedication ceremony later in the spring, hopefully around May, when the whole facility is finished to attribute to the buildings opening.
The performing arts portion of the building is already in use along with the weight room, although some construction in the gym will continue throughout the month.
In an interview with Mr Thompson, I was most interested to know what the staff at Boise High what most excited for. His response was “Having facilities that match the quality of the instruction and programs. Giving our students the opportunities they deserve with modern facilities.”
Because this was such a large remodel there were a few unexpected delays. The gym was first constructed in 1936, so there were a few things that didn’t meet current construction standards. “There was a lot of work to do in order to make the building modern and safe” said Mr. Thompson.
Because there were so many people contributing to this wonderful opportunity, we have a lot of individuals to thank. When asked who he would like to thank, Mr. Thompson responded with “The voters who passed the Bond that made this possible, in 2016. All of the students, staff and parents who have been so patient and understanding. It’s been an interesting two school years with sharing of space, but I’m confident that it has all been worth it.”
Boise High cannot wait to see what exciting opportunities this new space can offer. Everyone has been so patient and understanding of this huge transition, and now we can finally take advantage of the work that was put into a new piece of Boise High.