End of Fall Sports

Zelda Fishman, Reporter

As the end of fall sports season approaches, it comes time to reflect and recap. At Boise High, we have phenomenal sports teams. We had a lot of sports going on this fall such as football, girl’s volleyball, boy’s soccer, girl’s soccer, cross country, and swimming. 

High school sports are all about being able to work as a team and most importantly have fun. Mia Barron when asked, “What’s the most important thing you learned this year?” replied with “coming together with people you’ve never played with and adapting to that.” Braden Anderson, Varsity Football Quarterback replied similarly, “No matter how new you are, don’t let it define you, and just be yourself and be friendly.” 

Sometimes taking a step back from the competitive element of the sport you play can be a good thing, especially for mental health. Being able to enjoy the moments with your teammates is such an important part of high school sports.  Addie Jones, a member of the Sophomore volleyball team, says that the funniest moments in her volleyball season are when teammates accidentally get hit in the face with volleyballs. Kaden Helder, who is #6 in the State for Cross Country, says that one of the funniest moments in his season was when his teammate, Quinton Carney, tried to get a side cramp during the race by starting off at a rigorous pace but actually ended up not getting a cramp and running one of the fastest races of his career. 

Encouraging teammates and supporting one another can make or break a team. Alexis DeAlba, who is on the varsity swim team, says that the teammate she would elect as a coach is Blake Edis. “He would kick our butts but he really cares about the team and how we compete as a whole.” On the boy’s varsity soccer team, Daniel Hirai says that he would elect Sawyer Luthy as a coach because he is a team player and has a lot of experience with the team. 

High school sports are such an amazing thing to experience as an athlete, a spectator, or even a coach. They provide a sense of community and a sanctuary from school.